How is the stainless steel vacuum cup produced?
1. Outer shell processing flow
Outer tube material receiving—cutting—expanding—sectioning—expanding—rolling the angle—shrinking the bottom—cutting the bottom—punching ribs—leveling the upper opening—punching the bottom—leveling the bottom opening—cleaning and drying—inspection and pit knocking—qualified outer shell
2. Inner shell processing flow
Inner tube material receiving—cutting—leveling—expanding—rolling the upper angle—leveling the upper opening—leveling the bottom opening—rolling threads—cleaning and drying—inspection and pit knocking—butt welding—water testing for leaks—drying—qualified inner liner
3. Assembly process of outer shell and inner shell
Matching the cup opening—welding the joint—pressing the middle bottom—welding the bottom—inspecting the weld joint and bottom—spot welding the middle bottom with the vacuum agent—vacuuming—temperature measurement—electrolyzing—polishing—temperature measurement—inspection of polishing—pressing the outer bottom—spraying paint—vacuum testing temperature—inspection of spraying paint—silk screen printing—packaging—finished product storage